Learning to be a Leader
Developing my leadership skills has been a very intentional process. I’m still learning! Here is what I have learned in my journey from being a… Read More »Learning to be a Leader
Developing my leadership skills has been a very intentional process. I’m still learning! Here is what I have learned in my journey from being a… Read More »Learning to be a Leader
This is a summary of a talk given by Samuel Sinyangwe from Campaign Zero on December 3, 2019. Since 2015, four laws have been passed… Read More »Data Driven: Advancing Racial Justice & Police Accountability in San Diego
This summarizes part of the talk, “Realizing End to End Reproducible Machine Learning on Kubernetes” given by Suneeta Mall at Nearmap at KubeCon 2019. “Good… Read More »Reproducibility in Machine Learning